Hypofractionation in Colombia
Hypofractionation is an area of growing interest given its clinical equipoise in several scenarios, decreased resource requirements, and decreased burden for patients. It optimizes resource utilization for various sites and benefits patients by allowing for shorter treatment durations. It is important to note that the adoption of hypofractionation is both a decision and a process for the multidisciplinary care team.
This pilot Hypofractionation course took place between September of 2021 to February of 2022 and taught Radiation Oncologists and Medical Physicists in Colombia. Lectures were taught in both English and Spanish (with interpreters accompanying the english lectures). Below you can find a summary of the course outline as well as a link to the Zoom recordings and Powerpoint Presentations for each of the sessions.​
Lead Educators

Benjamin Li, MD, MBA

Alejandro González-Motta, MD
Supporting Educators: 12
Total Sessions: 13
Curriculum Outline